Whilst for many years The Rite Journey was a single, year-long Rite of Passage Program typically implemented at Year 9 it became clear that creating a truly transformative school culture is best done over the whole school journey.
Hence, in recent years The Rite Journey team has been developing a suite of programs aimed at developing responsible, respectful, self-aware, resilient, resourceful and self-reflective young adults.
Each of the following programs can be implemented independently or can form a scaffolded journey across a student’s school years.
A scaffolded approach to building responsibility through the primary years. School staff will work with TRJ Facilitators to both audit their current practices and explore new processes to create an intentional primary years journey. Learn more here.
Created as a way of introducing students to a selection of habits that we believe are important for life’s journey, the 18 Heroic Habits are a great way of establishing school culture and building emotional literacy in our students. Ideally suited for Year 7 students as an introduction to high school, it forms a vocabulary of virtues not only to be used during their Heroic Habits studies but we encourage it to be a language used by staff and students in the years beyond. Learn more here.
In a world of comparison, with the social media measuring stick and a whole lot of voices and opinions telling us who we should and shouldn’t be, understanding the truth of who we are is an essential anchor for keeping us grounded when the storms of life come.
Anchored, ideally suited for Year 8 students, is designed to support emotional and mental health well-being. It’s a great tool to start unpacking what is happening internally and to help students gain life skills of learning to live freely and lightly so that they can face the external storms when they come. Learn more here.
Our Flagship year long Rite of Passage program is designed to acknowledge and celebrate each student’s shift into adulthood. It offers conversations and experiences to guide this transition as well as fostering connections with positive adult role models and educates and includes parents/carers in the process. The program connects students with their strengths, build self-awareness and is intended to transform school culture by developing responsibility, resilience, respect and resourcefulness. Learn more here.
Influence (n.) – the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour of someone or something.
Influencer (n.) – a person or thing that influences another.
TRJ Influence is designed to be used as an extension with students who have graduated from The Rite Journey Year 9 Program, however it can be used very successfully as a stand-alone Student Leadership Program ideally suited for Year 10 or 11 students. It will help students to step up as they make the shift from childhood to adulthood and encourages and supports them to consider being of influence and to ponder the question “What do I have to give?” Learn more here.
Andrew has developed a Parenting Plan to develop responsibility and resilience throughout childhood by using birthdays as graduation points. A combination of added responsibilities, gifts and freedoms the Parenting Plan is an intentional, proactive process in which we can create wonderful young adults by the time they turn 18. Learn more here.
The Rite Journey recognises and pays our respects to the First Nations peoples across this country, whose lands were never ceded and remain important to the living First Nations peoples today. In particular we would like to acknowledge Peramangk First Nations Peoples and their ancestral lands on which our office is located.
We respect and acknowledge Elders past, present and emerging along with the living cultures, spirit, and country of all First Peoples.
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