Consultant Practitioners are teachers and school leaders who have taught TRJ for many years and, in some cases, in many schools. They hold a wealth of personal and professional knowledge about TRJ and the practicalities of successfully implementing the program in a school. Our consultants offer real-life experience as well as a resourceful network of other experts they can call on if necessary.
To reinvigorate your practice, if your school has been delivering TRJ for several years, this is an opportunity to share your practice with an expert and gain insight and feedback on what you are doing well and feed-forward on what you can be doing better
Specific support in any of the areas below to get TRJ working well in your school
To collaboratively diagnose your school’s level of delivering a successful Rite of Passage program using the TRJ Diagnostic Tool
As part of your application for Lead School status
You can book the following services with them:
This is 1:1 time with either the school’s TRJ team or coordinator. The 10 hours can be divided in a way that suits you and the school; e.g., if you are currently teaching in a school, it may be easier to commit to 5 x 2-hour sessions after hours. If you’re not teaching full-time in a school or have a flexible timetable, you may choose another time to get together. These visits can take place in person or via Zoom. We would expect this ongoing support to continue throughout the semester.
Ceremonies: organisation, placement in the year, symbolism, parental/mentor involvement, scripts and run sheets for the day
Challenge program: set up, ideas for challenges, how to assess
Camp/Abyss experiences
Aligning TRJ with the curriculum/timetable
Staffing/Class organisation
Mentorship/support for TRJ coordinator
Use the TRJ Diagnostic tool to determine where your school is at with the 20 principles of successful Rites of Passage
Any other area of TRJ implementation that you would like support with
$AU2,500.00 + GST per 10 hour Consultation block
These 10 hours can be used however the school and Consultant see fit.
$AU750.00 + GST per Parent Evening
Topics and format for Parent Evenings can be discussed with your Consultant.
Current TRJ School: St Margaret’s College, Christchurch, New Zealand
Leanne’s areas of expertise:
Current TRJ School: Palmerston Christian College
Emily’s areas of expertise:
Previous TRJ School: St Joseph’s College Gregory Terrace
Joshua’s areas of expertise:
Current TRJ School: The Springfield Anglican College
Kristie’s areas of expertise:
Current TRJ School: Emmaus Christian School
Ben’s areas of expertise:
Previous TRJ School: St. Patrick’s College, Launceston
Luke’s areas of expertise:
Current TRJ School: Victory Lutheran College
Kareena’s areas of expertise:
Current TRJ School: Kolbe Catholic College
Previous TRJ Schools: Mazenod College, CBC Fremantle
Mike’ss areas of expertise:
Contact us and we can guide you in this significant process.
The Rite Journey recognises and pays our respects to the First Nations peoples across this country, whose lands were never ceded and remain important to the living First Nations peoples today. In particular we would like to acknowledge Peramangk First Nations Peoples and their ancestral lands on which our office is located.
We respect and acknowledge Elders past, present and emerging along with the living cultures, spirit, and country of all First Peoples.